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The recovery and utilization rate of waste steel is not high, and the golden period is ushered in the next few years

Release date:2018-01-19

Waste steel is an important strategic material related to the national economy and the people's livelihood, and an important resource for the sustainable development of the iron and steel industry. With China's steel production in the forefront of the world, waste steel recycling is becoming one of the most concerned areas in twenty-first Century.
According to the relevant data, China's scrap steel is now entering a rapid growth period and may reach 3 billion tons in the next decade. Waste steel is one of the main iron raw materials for steelmaking. It not only carries energy saving, but also green and environmental protection. But for a long time, the recycling of waste steel is not ideal.
After more than 10 years of economic development and industrialization, China has become the largest steel production and consumption country in the world, accounting for about 47% of the world's steel consumption. With the expansion of China's steel industry, the consumption of scrap steel rose by 14% every year. In 2015, the consumption of scrap steel accounted for about 27% of the global total. Most of this amount comes from domestic and leftover scrap, which increases with steel production and manufacturing.
Data show that China's steel industry is accelerating into a depreciation era: in 2016, China's scrap steel resources had reached 1.7 billion tons, and China's iron and steel resources will continue to output in the next five to ten years. It is estimated that China's iron and steel volume will be 78 billion tons in 2017. It is estimated that by 2020, China's iron and steel capacity will reach about 10000000000 tons, and the output of scrap steel will reach 2 billion tons.
Low recovery and utilization of scrap steel
Scrap steel is a recyclable and recyclable green resource. It can replace iron making raw material in steelmaking, reducing coking, sintering and ironmaking process, reducing energy consumption and greatly reducing emissions of waste gas, waste water and waste residue.
According to the analysis, compared with the production of iron and steel scrap iron ore, with 1 tons of steel production can save 1.6 tons of iron ore, coke saving 0.4 tons, saving 1 tons of raw coal, reduce 1.6 tons of carbon dioxide emissions, 3 tons of solid waste. "Eat less ore and eat more scrap steel" can not only reduce the dependence degree of iron ore import, but also reduce the industrial risk. It is also the only way for transformation and upgrading of China's steel industry and green development.
Low recovery and utilization of scrap steel in the golden period of 5~10 years in the future

However, for a long time, the recycling of waste steel is not ideal. According to the relevant data, the utilization rate of scrap steel in China is only 19.9%, far below the world average level of 48.3%. The reason, on the one hand, the majority of scrap iron and steel resource by intermediate frequency furnace "ground of steel" occupied the mainstream of iron and steel enterprises scrap iron and steel resource competition but "land of steel enterprises in the procurement of society;
In addition, the structural contradictions in the process of iron and steel in China are also a major obstacle to the recycling of scrap steel. As the main process of scrap digestion, the steel production accounts for only 7.3% of the total steel output in China, far below the world average level, and the long process of blast furnace converter (from iron ore and coke to pig iron to steel) occupies a leading position for a long time. This structure has made China Import 65% of the world's iron ore, but it does not make use of much greener scrap.
The golden period of the future 5~10 years
In addition to the national level to encourage iron and steel enterprises to use scrap steel, scrap steel enterprises themselves to improve their equipment, technical level, and strengthen the processing capacity." Li Shubin, the standing vice president of the China waste steel Application Association, said.
Li Shubin also said that scrap steel recycling, processing and utilization enterprises must firmly establish the idea of industrial integration, cultivate and create leading enterprises in the industry, and improve the concentration and meticulous management of enterprises. Strengthen self-discipline and operate in accordance with the law, establish industry chain integrity and reliable long-term stability of the upstream and downstream customers, with the relevant state ministries and continue to do the scrap steel processing industry access, continue to strengthen and improve supervision and self-discipline, to scrap iron and steel industry major turning period.

We believe that with the continuous increase of environmental protection, the establishment of emissions trading system, issued and implemented the national comprehensive utilization of industrial development, the development of circular economy, energy saving and emission reduction of renewable resources, a series of policies, and create favorable conditions for the development of scrap iron and steel industry, the next 3 to 5 years or will be the application of waste iron and steel rise of scrap iron and steel processing and distribution industry have a brilliant future.
In the next 5 to 10 years, China will usher in a sharp rise in the amount of scrap iron and steel resources, and usher in the era of iron and steel enterprises to use scrap, scrap steel and reduce carbon emissions.
Qiansen metallurgical machinery that: To sum up, China's iron and steel industry on the one hand should accelerate the existing recycling of waste iron and steel, improve the utilization rate of recovery, on the other hand should speed up the scrap iron and steel business, promote the network construction, and ultimately build a resource-saving and environment-friendly society goals.